Thursday, February 26, 2009

YOU are in LOVE.............

You are in LOVE ...

You may be wondering how this secret love of yours is public, of whose intensity even you are unaware. You may not have realized, but in-fact you are in love with Allah(swt). Think about those moments of happiness that you shared with your Love. How happy you were when you made it to the mosque in spite of bad weather. The pleasure you felt when you left that scrumptious food just because you were not sure if it was halaal. And recall the way Allah(swt) reciprocated greater love by providing you with all the good things you desired and by bestowing you with the satisfaction that even the millionaires fail to enjoy.

Once you feel this love, then you dream about Allah(swt), about the moments you spent chatting with Him in the early hours before dawn, the small things you adopted just to please your Love, the small pains you endured for your Love. The tears that rolled down your face when you found the world and everything in it alien and missed your Love.... and to your surprise found Him at your side holding your hand and providing you with the support that the rest of the world failed to provide. You start counting the favors He bestowed on you and then try comparing your response. You feel sad by your attitude towards Him who really loved you and you showered all your attention on those things that would perish one day. While you are remembering Him, just realize that He is also remembering you, though you are just one of His creation and have no reason to be remembered by anyone. But He, the Ever Loving, remembers you more than you remember Him. If you remember Him and discuss your Love among your friends then He shall discuss you among an even better company.

On the authority of Abu Harayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Prophet (pbuh) said: Allah the Almighty said: I am as My servant thinks I am. I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assemble better than it. And if he draws near to Me an arm's length, I draw near to him a fathom's length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed. (Bukhari.)

The more your love for Allah(swt) increases, even more His love for you increases. You recite Quran and can see Him speaking to you directly. You eagerly wait for each prayer as it is your date with your Love, Allah(swt). You ask for forgiveness and He is ready to forgive anything and in any quantity. Time would come when you can't live without daily chatting with Him in the lonely night and spending hours in His worship. Discussing all the matters of the day and asking forgiveness for all the shortcomings and taking guidance for the future day. As your love increases so the desire to see Him increases, and you compete to attain the Firdous (Paradise) for whose inhabitants He shall provide His glimpse.

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: Allah (mighty and sublime be He) said:

Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him. My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything as much as I hesitate about [seizing] the soul of My faithful servant: he hates death and I hate hurting him. (Bukhari.)

Your Love, Allah(swt), is the Most Honorable. If anyone shows enmity towards His love then He declares war against that person, group or nation. What you need to do is attain the position of being His love and you can achieve it by loving Him more than anything else. Then you can also taste the sweetness of faith. The taste that shall linger on your lips forever and force you to return to your Love time and again.

Narrated Anas(r.a.): The Prophet said, "Whoever possesses the following three qualities will taste the sweetness of faith:
1. The one to whom Allah and His Apostle become dearer than anything else.
2. Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allah's sake.
3. Who hates to revert to disbelief after Allah has brought (saved) him out from it, as he hates to be thrown in fire."

Thus, don’t delay in expressing your love. You know you love Allah(swt), so let your actions be testimony to this love and He shall embrace you with His Mercy and love you immensely and shower such blessings upon you that you may never have imagined.

Let's explore this Love and compete in becoming the most loved one by Allah(swt). May Allah(swt), The Merciful and Ever Loving, help us all attain this position of "Muqarraboon". Ameen.

Syed Muti ur Rahman,
University of Illinois at Chicago.
[Written for Al-Bayan newsletter]


"A Meeting With Allahswt"

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Punishment of Missing Fajr prayer موعظة للنائم عن صلاة الفجر

Series of Shaytan: How he misleads us








Shaytan 8: Smoking is for cool adults



Shaytan 11: Just Divorce her



In search of the body beautiful ?? Part 2

O my beautiful sisters! I ask you by him in

whose hands my soul is, imagine you plucked

your eyebrows and placed those hairs in your

hand. Those hairs will barely fill your palm, but

think, for those few hairs you brought on the

curse of the Lord of the worlds!

Allah (swt) is Wise in what He decrees for His

slaves. People vary in their beauty and

appearance, the entire matter is in the hand of

Allah . It is essential to be patient and seek

reward with Allah and not to transgress His

sacred limits for the sake of one's own whims

and desires.

O Muslimah come! Make a promise that you

will never remove your eyebrow hairs! Fight

the wish of your enemy & prove him(the shaytaan) wrong ….

“Surely I will command them and they will change Allah's creation…”

[Al-Qur'an: An-Nisa'(4:119)].

The Prophet said: “Allah has cursed the Washimat and the Mustawshimat, the Namisat and the Mutanammisat, and the Mutafallijat for beauty, who change what Allah has created”.


The Washimat are the tattooers, and the

Mustawshimat are the people who are tattooed.

The Namisat pluck the eyebrows to

straighten them or to make them thinner,

and the Mutanammisat are the people

whose eyebrows are plucked......

In search of the body beautiful ?? Part 1

There seems no limit nowadays to the extent that women (and men) are prepared to go to for that perfect look. Forget false eyelashes and wigs, we are now talking scalpels, implants and liposuction!Cosmetic surgery amongst film actresses has been commonplace for quite some time now, but these days, we wouldn't be too hard pressed to find ordinary women on the street who are more plastic than real! Indeed, in some circles, having multiple facelifts has become a status symbol: the more you have, the higher you are in the status rankings.

If questioned whether cosmetic surgery was Islamically correct or not, then without doubt, most Muslims would instinctively respond by saying that it isn't, for the simple reason that it would be interfering with Allah's creation. And certainly, this would be the correct response. [Scholars have noted several exceptions to this general rule if there is a genuine medical need for it.]
Justify Full

The companion, Ibn Mas'ood radiallaahu anhu, once said (quoting what he had heard the Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam say):" Allah has cursed the tattooers and those who have themselves tattooed, and those women who have their teeth filed for beauty and those who have their [facial] hair plucked and thus alter Allah's creation.

A woman remarked, "What's all this?"
So Ibn Mas'ood “ radiallaahu anhu said: "Should I not curse one whom Allah's Messenger cursed? And it is in the Book of Allah

This may all sound quite strange when we consider how often we hear women complaining about their appearance. In fact, it is estimated that over half of the Western women today actually perceive themselves to be ugly. In addition, surveys show that nearly all women feel under pressure to look good‌. As a result, the quest for beauty has become a serious preoccupation for many women. Open up any women's magazine and you will not fail to find a single one which doesn't contain tips on how to look good‌, or which don't contain huge advertisements promoting new creams that halt the aging process or concealers to hide wrinkles, etc.

Beauty today is big business. Beauty contests are very profitable and “ contrary to popular belief “ more are spawned every year. The cosmetics market is a multi-billion dollar industry; the demand for cosmetic surgery is growing at a tremendous rate. All three industries promote the same notions of beauty that women everywhere are expected to meet: mainly a white, European, Barbie-doll like standard. The pressures on women to conform to these standards are enormous and few are able to withstand them.

The fact is that Western women today may complain that they are not treated with equality and respect, but it is they themselves who have made it acceptable for society worldwide to see women merely as beauty-objects who are there to be ogled by the men who in turn are the (im)polite voyeurs. When viewed in this light, we find that beauty contests are not too dissimilar to reality itself: just as the tallest, slimmest blonde girl gets the title in the beauty contest, in the real world it's the tallest, slimmest blonde girl who gets the man!

In Islam, beauty is not just in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is in the whole of creation, because Allah “ the One free of all imperfections “ is the One responsible for it. And as Allah says:

" Your Lord creates whatsoever He wills and chooses: no choice have they. SubhaanAllah! And far removed is He from the partners they ascribe [to Him]! [Al-Qasas 28:68].

So it is from the wisdom of Allah that He has chosen to create some of us short, others tall, some fat, some thin, some dark-coloured, some light “ all are beautiful and perfect in their own right. That is why we are taught from the Sunnah, the beautiful du'aa (supplication) that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam would say:

"O Allah, as You have made my appearance beautiful, likewise make my character beautiful. - (Allahumma kama hassanta khalaqee fa hassin khuluqee‌").

As Muslims, we must believe that evil and imperfection cannot be attributed to Allah. The desire to change any aspect of ourselves means, in effect, that we are dissatisfied with Allah's choice and His handiwork, and that there is imperfection in what He has created. Thus to say about ourselves, or anyone else, that we or they are ugly is a great sin. This point was reinforced by the Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam when he once saw the Companion, Amr Ibn Fulaan Al-Ansaaree radiallaahu âanhu, whose izaar (lower garment) was hanging low (to the ground), so he, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, ordered that he raise it. Amr made an excuse saying that he had skinny shins (ie. he was embarrassed to show them), so the Prophet responded by saying: "O Amr! Verily Allah Azza wa Jal has created everything in the best form."

All this is certainly not intended to discourage women to look after themselves and adorn themselves in lawful ways (e.g. wearing nice clothes, having nicely done hair, etc.). Indeed, adorning oneself is something that the wives are obliged to do for their husbands and Allah rewards the woman who pleases the husband when he looks at her. But with these tremendous pressures on women to conform to the ideals set by the marketing media, it may be hard for Muslim women to resist feeling insecure or uncomfortable about their appearance. Consequently, many Muslim women have shed their hijaabs for the sake of following fashion; Muslim women too develop inferiority complexes about themselves.We must bear in mind that this search for the body beautiful is, in reality, a deception from Shaytaan. Shaytaan has vowed that he will create such false desires in mankind.
He has said (as stated in the Qurâan):

"Surely I will arouse in them (mankind] false desires; and certainly I will order them to slit the ears of cattle, and indeed I will order them to change the nature created by Allah. [An-Nisaa (4): 119].

May Allah always keep us safe from the false promises of Shaytaan, for verily Allah is the One Who guides to the Truth.
Summa Ameen!

-By Ifrat Azad

[This article was originally published in 1995 in Ad-Da'wah Ilallaah “ a magazine featuring women's issues]

'Seeing the Good ... in Everything'

You must have felt like that before? Unsure of how to respond to a particular situation ... due to being unsure of what the situation truly meant.
Not very long ago a companion of mine broke some news to me, some news that would affect her life in a way that I simply couldn't understand. Yet, through such a testing time Allah (Swt) gave her the courage to remind me;
"and it may be that you hate a thing though it is good for you; and love a thing though it is bad for you, Allah Knows and you know not." [Surah Al-Baqarah(2):216]
Truly I marvel at certain situations; the fact that sisters such as she - my dear companions - truly are unaware of how they give me strength, through their own ability to harbour it. So, as my companion informed me of her situation she so bravely concluded with a quote which, she probably has no idea, has stood as one of my bedrocks. Through testing times I have found immense solace and contentment, like nothing felt before. Dear readers, do not belittle the effect of a few words, for it may be those words that save a soul from destruction and consequently, gain you the ultimate love and pleasure of Allah (Swt). So I relate to you, what my companion related to me:

"When I wake up, I do not care what happens to me; whether it is good for me or bad for me, for I neither know whether it is good or bad. [And I trust in the decree of my Lord (Swt)]". [Umar ibn al-Khattab (ru)]

When hearing such beautiful and polished words, how can one not feel at ease? With the worries and concerns of this dunya quickly deteriorating . . . With that timeless quote in mind, I shall share with you a treasured moment of mine: I remember a day I felt completely un-phased with the life of this world, briskly walking through the heavy rain to my parked car, with my intuition beginning to kick in: something was about to happen. I got into my car and drove out from a side road, after double-checking the roads were clear in both directions. Suddenly, all I could hear was an incredibly loud "BEEEEEEEEEP! " The sound of a horn - an automatic warning that something was wrong. As I turned to my right I could see the car coming towards me at full speed and all I could think of was ... I was not going to make it. I closed my eyes and just waited, waited for the vehicle to crash into the right side of my car, and for my body to feel its complete impact. . .
When I opened my eyes, to my amazement, nothing had occurred. By the grace of Allah (swt) the man's car had stopped no more than about half a centimetre from mine. He appeared furious, as though he was just waiting to deal with me. As I sat shaking my head, the man became even more angered and so decided to get out of his car and walk towards me. He angrily inquired as to why I was shaking my head, to which I simply replied through teary eyes: "The strange thing is, I had a feeling something was going to happen today, but I'm just so thankful to God that nothing did." To my amazement the man looked at me with sympathetic eyes, all signs of his anger quickly vanishing and he responded, "God was on our side." Dear readers, the thought that my Lord (swt) enabled that man, even if it be for just one moment, to remember Him (swt), is a treasured moment. One that I have chosen not to forget... alhamdulillah.
- by Umm Thameenah bint Luqman

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Like Pearls on a Broken String - Reminder of Death

There was heavy uncomfortable silence in the room. Offering condolences is never easy. I sat quietly with my gaze fixed on the carpet motif. Infront of me was the mother of the deceased - a 26 yrs old only son. She was a woman who is memorizing the Quran & had so far preserved 1/3 of the Book in her heart. I wanted to see the impact of this Quran in her response to her loss. And, as expected, mashaAllah, she was a picture of composure & patience.
I couldn't offer any solace. No words seemed suitable enough to encompass the magnitude of her loss or the gravity of her pain. I imagined what she must be going through & tears trickled down my cheeks. I tried to wipe them discreetly but, perhaps, was unsuccessful. She passed me the tissue box on the table. No, this isn't right! I'm supposed to comfort her. Not the other way round. I disliked the fact that I had no control over my emotions. Had to do something to stop the tears. I took a deep breath and forced my mind to think of something different and totally unrelated. I wondered at the traffic noise that was occasionally filtering in through the open balcony. Alhumdullilah, I found poise again.
She mentioned about the righteousness of her son. She described how happy he was with his newly-married status, his prestigious job as a pilot of the international airlines, his various humanitarian projects… He seemed to the golden boy of their large extended family. He was loved by all. Yet, at the peak of his health & life, he died suddenly of a heart attack. She reminded us and herself of how we are constantly making long elaborate plans and how, Allah is making different plans for us. HIS plans prevail.
On my drive back that night, death, naturally, was on my mind. Yes, we know we'll die one day, but we really don't think of 'that day' being anywhere around the corner. 'We aren't old yet,' whispers the soul to fool us. But when we witness the passing away of a person our age (or younger), that foolish supposition gets a good earth-shaking jolt.
* * * * * * * *

The first time this realization hit me was at the news of the death of a class-mate, four years after leaving high school. Later that year, we had a class reunion party at someone's place. The excited girls had so much to share & inform each other, to fill the gaps of the years since we all parted. There were gay announcements of someone's engagement; another was eagerly planning her grand wedding; some boasted of career and promotions; one shared the pain of a miscarriage and others looked forward to starting their medical practice soon. We talked of how many of us made it to that party. The others were missed because they were now based in other countries.
Then, all of a sudden, someone mentioned her. A painful silence enveloped the room. A while later, someone broke the silence by narrating the good times she spent with her in class. But, suddenly, for the first time in our lives, we had all become acutely aware of our mortality. She was one of us. She was like us. She spent the countless days in school with us, experiencing the same moments of work and play as we did. Yet, she was in a different realm now. 'She could have been me,' was the thought that probably passed in each one's mind. After all, a healthy, lean 21 yrs old girl is not expected to die suddenly of heart failure.
We learned from her close friend that after leaving school she had enrolled for an Islamic studies course along with her medical school. Allah guided her at a time when most of us - her classmates - were heedless. She underwent a seachange. At the time of her death, she had been a conscientious practicing person.
Before leaving, we looked at our school group-photo. Like a string of pearls, the beaming youthful faces, side by side, stood gazing back at us. We prayed for her - the missing one among us.

It will soon be 10 yrs since she passed away. I believe Allah loves her, for it is indeed strange, otherwise, that every time I sit to make dua, she enters my thoughts, and I can't help but pray for her. It is Allah Who instills her remembrance in my mind & it is HE who makes me do dua for her so often. I'm sure countless people must be praying for her through Allah's Will.
The string has already been cut. One pearl has slipped out. The rest will soon scatter, unable to hold on to that flimsy thread. It's not a matter of 'when'. It's not a matter of 'who' next. The important question is: "Have I earned HIS Love? Would HE inspire others to pray for me after I'm gone?"

-Author's name is not known..

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Muslims Forbidden from participating in Valentine's Day Celebration

Most of us fantasize the idea of giving and recieving gifts on a Valentine's day, though majority may agree that this shouldn't be only on any particular day, people have their arguments to support the idea of celebration.

One must understand that Islam is not against Love or the ways to show love, but to inculcate the habit of celebrating love on a particular day, and indulging in practices unapproved by the ALmighty, is what is opposed.

This article will help us understand and improve our outlook towards such celebration, InshaAllah.


SOME people celebrate Yawm al-Hubb – Valentine’s Day – on February 14 [the second month of the Christian Gregorian calendar] every year by exchanging red roses as gifts. They also dress up in red clothing, and congratulate one another (on this occasion). Some sweet shops produce special sweets – red in colour – and draw hearts upon them. Some shops advertise their goods which are specially related to this day.What is the Islamic view [concerning the following]:
1. Celebrating this day?
2. Buying from these shops on this day?
3. Selling – by shop-owners who are not celebrating – the things which are used as gifts, to those who are celebrating?
May Allah reward you with all good!
The ruling
The clear evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah – and this is agreed upon by consensus (Ijmaa’) of the early generations of the Muslim Ummah – indicates that there are only two Eids in Islam (days of celebration): Eid al-Fitr (after the fast of Ramadan) and Eid al-Adha (after the standing at Arafah for pilgrimage).Every other Eid – whether it is connected to a person, group, incident or any other occasion – is an innovated Eid. It is not permissible for the Muslim people to participate in it, approve of it, make any show of happiness on its occasion, or assist in it in any way – since this will be transgressing the bounds of Allah.. and whoever transgresses the bounds of Allah, he has wronged his own self. [at-Talaaq 65:1]
If we add to this fabricated Eid the fact that it is one of the Eids of the disbelievers, it is sin upon sin. This is because it is Tashabbuh (imitation) of the disbelievers, and a type of Muwaalaat (loyalty) to them. And Allah has prohibited the believers from imitation of them and having love or loyalty for them in His Mighty Book (Al-Qur’an). It is also confirmed from the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) that he said: Whoever imitates a people is one of them.
Eid al-Hubb (Valentine’s Day) comes under the category of what has been mentioned here, since it is one of the pagan Christian holidays. Hence it is not permissible for any Muslim, who believes in Allah and the Last Day, to participate in it, approve of it, or congratulate (anyone on that occasion). On the contrary, it is obligatory to abandon it and stay far away from it – in response to Allah and His Messenger, and to distance oneself from the anger of Allah and His punishment.
Additionally, it is forbidden for a Muslim to assist or help in this Eid, or any other of the forbidden/illegal celebrations in any way whatsoever – whether by food or drink, selling or buying, production, gift-giving, correspondence, announcements, etc. All of these things are considered as co-operating in sin and transgression and disobedience of Allah and His Messenger. Allah, the Glorious and Most High, says: ... and co-operate with one another in righteousness and piety, and do not co-operate in sin and transgression. And fear Allah! Verily Allah is severe in punishment. [al-Maa’idah 5:2]
Likewise, it is obligatory for every Muslim to adhere strictly to the Qur’an and Sunnah in every situation – especially in times of temptations and corruption. It is incumbent that he/she understand, be aware and be cautioned from falling into the deviations of those whom Allah is angry with (Jews) and those who are astray (Christians) and the immoral people who have no fear of punishment – nor hope of reward – from Allah, and who give no attention at all to Islam.
It is necessary for the Muslim to flee to Allah, the Most High, seeking His Hidaayah (Guidance) and Thabaat (Firmness) upon the Path. Verily, there is no Guide except Allah, and no One Who can Grant Firmness except Him. And the success is from Allah!
May the praise of Allah – among the assembly of angels – and security from all harm and evil be granted to our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.Aameen

Establish the Salaah & the Prize is *Paradise* -Salaah V

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
Al-Hamdulilahi-Rabbil-Alameen-was-salatu-was-salamu-ala-rasool al-kareem. Allahu 'Alim:
Truly, it is Allah who has all Knowledge and we have only that which Allah bestows on us.

`Umar (may Allahswt be pleased with him) became unconscious after he was stabbed, and according to Al Miswar bin Makhramah, it was said: "Nothing would wake him up except the call to prayer, if he is still alive." They said to him, "The prayer has finished, O Chief of the Faithful!" He woke up and said, "The prayer, by Allah! Verily, there is no share in Islam for whoever abandons the prayer."
He performed the prayer while his wound was bleeding.

After ar-Rabi` bin Khaytham became partially paralyzed, he used to go to the mosque helped by two men. He was told :"O Abu Yazid! You have been given permission to pray at home." He said, "You have said the truth, but I heard the caller heard, 'Hayya `ala al-Falah (Come to success)', and I thought that whoever hears this call should answer it even by crawling."

just look at the Sahabah[companions of the Prophet SAllal-Lahu-Alayhi-wassalam(May Allahswt be pleased with them)...their attachment to Allahswt & Islaam!

Umar radhiAllahuanhu performed the Prayer WHILE HE WAS BLEEDING!!

how many of us leave the prayer ...just because we felt we are not well...may be a slight headache..oR may be fever...?OR MAYBE YOU DIDNOT FEEL LIKE PRAYING.....

Did you ever EVER wonder who would be at loss?Does your prayer benefit your LORD -Allahswt ?
NO..HE is not in need of you..your prayers DONOT benefit him..
ITS YOU Who will lose!

Informing us about the inhabitants of Hell, Allaah (SWT) says "(The people in Hell will be asked:) What has caused you to enter Hell? They will say: "We were not of those who used to offer their Salât (prayers). Nor did we feed the poor. And we used to talk falsehood (all that which Allaah hated) with vain-talkers. And we used to belie thc Day of Recompense. Until there came to us that which is certain (i.e., death). So no Intercession of intercessors will benefit them. (Sura Al-Muddaththir, ayah 42-48)

Allah (SWT) says "Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up As-Salât (the prayers) [i.e. made their Salât (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times, etc.] and have followed lusts. So they will be thrown in Hell. Except those who repent and believe (in the Oneness of Allâh and His Messenger Muhammad SAW), and work righteousness. Such will enter Paradise and they will not be wronged in aught." (Sura Maryam, ayat 59-60) note: Here we see what is the place for those who have abandoned the prayer but Allah (swt) is the most mercyful and gives us chances to repent and be saved.

Everyday duas in Arabic with transliteration and translation

    Greeting another Muslim

    As salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
    Translation: May the peace of Allah descend upon you and His Mercy and Blessings.

    When someone conveys salam to you on another's behalf:
    Alayka wa alay-his salaamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
    Translation: Upon you and upon him be the peace of Allah, His mercy and blessings.

    Before a meal

    Bismillahi wa 'ala baraka-tillah.
    Translation: With Allah's name and uon the blessings granted by Allah (do we eat).

    After having a meal

    Alham do lillah hilla-thee At Amana wa saquana waja 'alana minal Muslimeen.
    Translation: All praise is due to Allah who gave us food and drink and who made us Muslims.

    Dua for ZamZam (Holy Water)

    Allah humma Innee As alooka 'ilman naa fee-ow wa Rizq-ow waa See-ow wa Shee-faa amm min Kooll-lee daa-een.
    Translation: O Allah, I ask You to grant me beneficial knowledge, abundant sustenance and cure from all diseases.

    Before wudhu (ablution)

    Allahumma-gh fir-lee dhan-bee wawass si'lee fi dari wa bariklee fi rizq.
    Translation: O Allah Forgive my sins, make my home accommodating and grant me abundance in my livelihood.

    After Wudhu

    Allahummaj 'al-ni minat-tow-wa beena waj-alni minal muta-tah-hireen.
    Translation: I testify that there is no deity except Allah; He is One and has no partner. And I testify that Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is His servant and apostle.

    When entering the mosque

    A'uthu bil-Lahil 'atheemi wa biwajhi-hil kareemi wasultaani-hil qadeemi minash-shaytaanir rajeem.
    Translation: I seek protection from Allah, The Sublime, and I seek the protection of His Merciful Self and of His Eternal Kingdom against the accursed devil.

    After sneezing

    Alhamdulillah! (right graphic) / Alhamdu lillahi 'ala kull-lee ha-leen (left graphic).
    Translation: Thanks and all praise be to Allah (or) Thanks and all praise be to Allah under all conditions.

    Reply to someone who sneezes

    Yar Hamoo kall Lah.
    Translation: May Allah have mercy on you.

    When a Non-Muslim sneezes

    Yahdee Kumullahu wa Yaslih Ba Lakoom.
    Translation: May Allah give you guidance and make your children pious.

    When someone is critically ill
    When someone is so critically ill that there is no hope for his recovery, under no circumstances should he (or she) pray for his (or her) death. But if one must, then one should recite the following dua:

    Allah-humma ah-yini ma kaanatil hayaatu khairall-lee wa tawaff-fani i-dha kaanatil wa faato khai-rall-lee.
    Translation: O Allah, keep me alive so long as it is in my best interest and give me death when it is in my best interest.

    When visiting the sick

    La ba'sa tahoorun inshaa-Allah. La ba'sa tahoorun inshaa-Allah.
    Translation: No need to worry. It (this sickness) is a means of cleansing from sins. No need to worry. It (this sickness) is a means of cleansing from sins.

    Dua taught to a new muslim

    Allahummagh fir-lee warr hamnee wah-dini warr zuq-ni.
    Translation: O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me aright and grant me sustenance.

    When entering the toilet

    Allahumma in-nee a'oothu bika minal khubu-thee wal khabaa ith.

    When leaving the toilet, recite

    Ghuf-raa naka followed by

    Alhamdulillah-hilla-thee ath-haba ann-nil athaa wa 'afaani.

    Reaching the top of an incline

    Allahumma lakash-sharafu 'ala kull-lee shara-few walakal hamdu 'ala kull-li haalin.
    Translation: O Allah, all sublimity is for You at every incline and all praise is for You at all times under all conditions.

    Repentance dua
    Whenever a person commits any sin, he/she should immediately offer repentance to Allah, saying the following dua.

    Allahumma In-nee a-toobu ilayka minha la ar-ji-u ilayhaa abada.
    Translation: O Allah, I repent before You for all my sins and I promise never to return to the same (again).

    Upon awakening

    Alhamdulillah-hillathee ah-yana ba'da ma ama tana wa ilayhi nushoor.
    Translation: Many thanks to Allah who gave us life after having given us death and (our) final return (on the Day of Qiyaamah (Judgement)) is to Him.

    When undertaking a journey

    Subhanalla-thee sakh-khara-lana haatha wa-ma kun-na lahoo muqrineena wa inna ila Rabbina la-mun-qali-boon.
    Translation: Glory be to Him (Allah) who has brought this (vehicle) under our control though we were unable to control it. Sure, we are to return to our Lord.

    Istikhara for marriage

    Istikhara for nikah (marriage): When intending to marry someone then even before proposing or expressing one's intention to propose, one should perform Wudhu in the best of manner and then offer as many Nafl Salaahs as possible. Thereafter one should praise and glorify Allah in the best manner and recite the following Dua: Translation: O Allah, You have power and I have none. You know all and I know not. You are The Knower of all that is hidden. If, in Your knowledge (mention name of person here) be good for me in my faith and in my temporal and religious life, then ordain her (or him) for me. And if anyone other than her (or him) be good for me in my faith and religious life, then ordain her (or him) for me.

    Dua-e-Qunoot (read in Witr)

    Translation: O Allah! We beg help from You alone; ask forgiveness from You alone, and turn towards You and praise You for all the good things and are grateful to You and are not ungrateful to You and we part and break off with all those who are disobedient to you. O Allah! You alone do we worship and pray exclusively to You and bow before You alone and we hasten eagerly towards You and we fear Your severe punishment and hope for Your Mercy as your severe punishment is surely to be meted out to the unbelievers.

Advice of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

Companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Khalid ibn El Waleed narrated the following:

A Bedouin came one day to the Prophet (PBUH) and said to him, "O, Messenger of God! I've come to ask you a few questions about the affairs of this life and the Hereafter. "

The Prophet (PBUH) responded Ask what you wish.

  • I'd like to be the most learned of men.
  • Fear God, and you will be the most learned of men.

  • I wish to be the richest man in the world.
  • Be contented, and you will be the richest man in the world.

  • I'd like to be the most just man.
  • Desire for others what you desire for yourself, and you will be the most just of men.

  • I want to be the best of men.
  • Do good to others and you will be the best of men.

  • I wish to be the most favored by God.
  • Engage much in God's praise, and you will be most favored by Him.

  • I'd like to complete my faith.
  • If you have good manners you will complete your faith.

  • I wish to be among those who do good.
  • Adore God as if you see Him. If you don't see Him, Know that He sees you. In this way you will be among those who do good.

  • I wish to be obedient to God.
  • If you observe God's commands you will be obedient.

  • I'd like to be free from all sins.
  • Bathe yourself from impurity and you will be free from all sins.

  • I'd like to be raised on the Day of Judgment in the light.
  • Don't wrong yourself or any other creature, and you will be raised on the Day of Judgment in the light.

  • I'd like God to bestow His mercy on me.
  • If you have mercy on yourself and on others, God will grant you mercy on the Day of Judgment.

  • I'd like my sins to be very few.
  • If you seek the forgiveness of God as much as you can, your sins will be very few.
  • I'd like to be the most honorable man.
  • If you do not complain to any fellow creature, you will be the most honorable of men.

  • I'd like to be the strongest of men.
  • If you put your trust in God, you will be the strongest of men.

  • I'd like to enlarge my provision.
  • If you keep yourself pure, God will enlarge your provision.

  • I'd like to be loved by God and His messenger.
  • If you love what God and His messenger love, you will be among their beloved ones.

  • I wish to be safe from God's wrath on the Day of Judgment.
  • If you do not lose your temper with any of your fellow creatures, you will be safe from the wrath of God on the Day of Judgment.

  • I'd like my prayers to be responded.
  • If you avoid forbidden actions your prayers will be responded.

  • I'd like God not to disgrace me on the Day of Judgment.
  • If you guard your chastity, God will not disgrace you on the Day of Judgment.

  • I'd like God to provide me with a protective covering on the Day of Judgment.
  • Do not uncover your fellow peoples faults, and God will provide you with a covering protection on the Day of Judgment.

  • What will save me from sins?
  • Tears, humility and illness.

  • What are the best deeds in the eyes of God?
  • Gentle manners, modesty and patience.

  • What are the worst evils in the eyes of God?
  • Hot temper and miserliness.

  • What alleviates the wrath of God in this life and in the Hereafter?
  • Concealed charity and kindness to relatives.

  • What extinguishes hell's fires on the Day of Judgment?
  • Patience in adversity and misfortunes.

Imam El Mustaghfiri said: "I have never heard a tradition more comprehensive of the beauties of religion, and more beneficial than this hadith. It collects all the good things of Islam but not put to use." (Related by Imam Ibn Hambal)

2/6/2009 - Religious - Article Ref: IC0902-3803
By: Staff
IslamiCity* -

Well of Zamzam (Aabe Zam Zam)

The Well of Zamzam (or the Zamzam Well, or just Zamzam; Arabic: is a well located within the Masjid al Haram in Mecca, 20 meters east of the Kaaba,[1] the holiest place in Islam. According to Islamic tradition it was a miraculously- generated source of water from angel Jibril (Gabriel), which began thousands of years ago when Ibraham's infant son was thirsty. Millions of pilgrims visit the well each year while performing the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimages, in order to drink its water. By Saudi law, the water cannot be sold outside of the kingdom, but because of strong demand there is a thriving market in fake Zamzam water in other countries.

This mail sent you by Hum-Our-Tum for good e-mails join us click on the image

This mail sent you by Hum-Our-Tum for good e-mails join us click on the image

This mail sent you by Hum-Our-Tum for good e-mails join us click on the image

Zam Zam is 18X14 ft & 18 meter deep water well.
It started 4000 yrs ago.
Never dried since then.
Never changed the taste, no Algea or plant growth in the pond, thus no disease caused.

It was tested by European Laboratories & declared fit for drinking.

This small pond provides water to millions of people through heavy motors pulling
8000 lit: per second and after 24 hours in only 11 mins completes its level. Thus its water level never decreases



Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu

Narrated by Abu Huraira(Radhiallaho anho):
Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) said, "If any one of you says, 'Amin' and the angels in the heavens say 'Amin' and the former coincides with the latter, all his past sins will be forgiven."
Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 1 : No. 748
Narrated by Aisha(Radhiallaho anha):
I asked Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) about looking hither and thither in prayer. He replied, "It is a way of stealing by which Satan takes away (a portion) from the prayer of a person."

Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 1 : No. 718
Narrated by Anas (Radhiallaho anho):
Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) used to pray a short prayer (in congregation) but used to offer it in a perfect manner.

Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. : No. 1.674
Narrated by Anas bin Malik(Radhiallaho anho):
Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) said "What is wrong with those people who look towards the sky during the prayer?" His talk grew stern while delivering this speech and he said, "They should stop (looking towards the sky during the prayer); otherwise their eyesight would be taken away."

Sahih Al Bukhari Vol 1 Number 717
Narrated by Abu Huraira (Radhiallaho anho):
Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) said, "Martyrs are those who die because of drowning, plague, an abdominal disease, or of being buried alive by a falling building." And then he added, "If the people knew the reward for the Zuhr prayer in its early time, they would race for it. If they knew the reward for the 'Isha' and the Fajr prayers in congregation, they would join them even if they had
to crawl. If they knew the reward for the first row, they would draw lots for it."

Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 1: No.688
Narrated by Abu Hurairah(Radhiallah o anho):
Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) said, "The Imam is (appointed) to be followed. So do not differ from him, bow when he bows, and say, 'Rabbana-lakal hamd' if he says 'Sami'a-l-lahu Liman hamida' and if he prostrates, prostrate (after him), and if he prays sitting, pray sitting all together, and straighten the rows for the prayer, as the straightening of the rows is amongst those things which make your prayer a correct and perfect one."

Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 1: No.689
Narrated by Abu Hurairah (Radhiallaho anho):
Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) said, "Allah will
give shade, to seven, on the Day when there will be no shade but His. (These seven persons are) a just ruler, a youth who has been brought up in the worship of Allah (i.e. worships Allah sincerely from childhood), a man whose heart is attached to the mosques (i.e. to pray the compulsory prayers in the mosque in congregation) , two persons who love each other only for Allah's sake and they meet and
part in Allah's cause only, a man who refuses the call of a charming woman of noble birth for illicit intercourse with her and says: I am afraid of Allah, a man who gives charitable gifts so secretly that
his left hand does not know what his right hand has given (i.e. nobody knows how much he has given in charity), and a person who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes are then flooded with tears."

Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol.1 : No. 629

Narrated by Abu Hurairah (Radhiallaho anho):
Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) said, "Allah will prepare for him who goes to the mosque (every) morning and in the afternoon (for the congregational prayer) an honorable place in Paradise with good hospitality for (what he has done) every morning and afternoon going.

Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol.1 : No. 631
Narrated by Abu Musa(Radhiallaho anho):
Allah's Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alaihi wasallam) said: "A faithful
believer to a faithful believer is like the bricks of a wall,
enforcing each other." While (saying that) the Prophet clasped his
hands, by interlacing his fingers.

Sahih Bukhari Vol: 1 Number 468
Narrated by Ibn Umar (Radhiallaho anho):
Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) said, "Whoever
misses the 'Asr prayer (intentionally) then it is as if he lost his
family and property."

Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 1 : No. 527
Narrated by Abu Huraira(Radhiallaho anho):
Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) said, "Angels come
to you in succession by night and day and all of them get together at
the time of the Fajr and 'Asr prayers. Those who have passed the
night with you (or stayed with you) ascend (to the Heaven) and Allah asks them, though He knows everything about you, well, "In what state did you leave my slaves?" The angels reply: "When we left them they were praying and when we reached them, they were praying."

Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 1 : No. 530
Narrated by Abu Hurairah (Radhiallaho anho):
Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) said, "The reward of the prayer offered by a person in congregation is twenty five times greater than that of the prayer offered in one's house or in the
market (alone). And this is because if he performs ablution and does
it perfectly and then proceeds to the mosque with the sole intention
of praying, then for every step he takes towards the mosque, he is
upgraded one degree in reward and his one sin is taken off (crossed
out) from his accounts (of deeds). When he offers his prayer, the
angels keep on asking Allah's blessings and Allah's forgiveness for
him as long as he is (staying) at his Musalla. They say, 'O Allah!
Bestow Your blessings upon him, be Merciful and kind to him.' And one is regarded in prayer as long as one is waiting for the prayer."

Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol.1 : No. 620

Dawah Campus

Dear Sisters,

I hope the link below will be helpful to you. It was helpful to me but u need some time dedicated in Allah's (S.W.T) path. Hope u all will find time. Either click on the link directly or copy paste on the address bar.
Please do come back to me in any regards..
May Allah lead us all in the straight path!! Ameen


The Value of Being Pious

Hadith - Muslim, #3465

'Abdullah b. 'Amr reported Allah's Messenger as saying:

The whole world is a provision, and the best object of benefit of the world is the pious woman.

When Permission is Needed

Hadith - Sahih Al-Bukhari 7.123, Narrated Abu Huraira

Allah's Apostle said,

"It is not lawful for a lady to fast (Nawafil) without the permission of her husband when he is at home; and she should not allow anyone to enter his house except with his permission; and if she spends of his wealth (on charitable purposes) without being ordered by him, he will get half of the reward."

Protecting Muslims

Hadith - Al-Tirmidhi #3978, Narrated AbuHurayrah

The Prophet said, "A woman acts for the people," i.e. she gives protection on behalf of the Muslims.

[Tirmidhi transmitted it].

Benefits of Duaa

Numan bin Basheer narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Duaa is ibadat." Then He read this ayat . (Tirmizi, Abu Dawod, and Ibn-e-Majah)

Abu Hurairah narrates from Rasool-Allah , "In the court of Allah, there is no greater thing than duaa" (Ibn-e-Majah)

Abdullah bin Umar narrates from Rasool-Allah ," Among whatever has been descended and whatever has not been descended Duaa is beneficial of all. Oh people of Allah! Assume Duaa a must for yourselves. (Tirmizi)

Abdullah bin Umar from Rasool-Allah , "For whoever the door of duaa opened, for him the doors of mercy are opened. Whatever duaa is asked from Allah the best duaa is for well-being and safety among them." (Tirmizi)

Abu Hurairah narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Allah is extremely displeased with the person who doesn't do duaa to Allah". (Tirmizi)

Salman narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Your Rab is modest and kind. A person raise his hands in HIS court and HE leave them empty, Allah shies from it." (Tirmizi and Abu Dawood)

Jabir narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Whoever does duaa to Allah, Allah fulfills his seeking or in exchange averts misfortune until the duaa is not related to sin or breaking some relation." (Tirmizi)

Abu Hurairah narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Do duaa to Allah with this confidence that HE will accept it and know this well that Allah doesn't accept the duaa done with a negligent and careless heart. (Tirmizi)

Salman Farsi narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Duaa turns away destiny and good deeds lengthen age. (Tirmizi)

Umar narrates that, "Whenever Rasool-Allah raised his hands for duaa He did not put down them down until HE took both hands over his face." (Tirmizi)

Aisha (Radi Allahu Anha) narrates that, "Rasool-Allah liked duaas that were inclusive and he left the rest." (Abu Dawood)

Abdullah bin Umar narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Duaa for a person not present is accepted quickly by Allah." (Tirmizi and Abu Dawood)

Abu Hurairah narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Three duaas are such in which there is no doubt of their acceptance: 1) Father's duaa 2) Traveler's duaa 3) Duaa of the oppressed". (Timizi, Ibne Majah)

Abu Hurairah narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Three types of people's duaas are not rejected: 1) At the time of iftar the person who has fasted 2) Adil ruler's duaa 3) The duaa of the oppressed. Allah raises the duaa of the oppressed on the clouds and the doors of heaven are opened for it and Allah says, "Oath of MY Majesty and Honour! I will help and aid you. Even though if the help is after few days." (Tirmizi)

Abu Hurairah narrates from Rasool-Allah , "When anyone of you does duaa then don't say "Oh Allah! Forgive me if you want", "Have mercy on me if you want", "Give me subsistence if you wish" rather believe completely that HE will do whatever HE wishes. Nobody can force HIM." (Bukhari)

Abu Hurairah narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Allah excepts the duaa of a person till the duaa is not related to sin or breaking of some relation and until he does not haste in that duaa. The people (May Allah be happy with them) asked, "Oh Rasool-Allah! What is meant by haste?" He replied, "That the person say "I did duaa again and again but my duaa wasn't accepted and afterwards he becomes hopeless and leaves the duaa. This is called haste." (Muslim)

Jabir narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Don't do Bad-duaa [against] yourself, your wealth, or for your children. May it be the moment of acceptance in the court of Allah and your Bad-duaa be accepted. (Muslim)

Boraidah narrates that Rasool-Allah heard a man performing duaa like so *1, so He said, "He [the man] has performed duaa with the Ism-e-Azam and when Allah is asked through the Ism-e-Azam, Allah grants and when duaa is performed with it HE accepts it." (Tirmizi and Abu Dawood)

Asma binte Yazeed (Radi Allahu Anha) narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Ism-e-Azam is in these two ayahs and in the beginning of Ale-Imran . " (Tirmizi and Abu Dawood)

Abu Hurairah narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Saying is dearer to me than this world and all that is in it." (Mislim)

Abu Hurairah narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Whoever said hundred times in one day his sins are erased even if they are equal to the foam of the sea." (Muslim and Bukhari)

Abu Hurairah narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Every Prophet had a special duaa which is accepted in the court of Allah. All Prophets were in quick in their duaas. On the day of Judgment, for the intercession of my Ummah, I have saved my duaa. My duaa will reach to every person in my ummah, who did not make any partners with Allah. (Muslim)


Rendered into English by: Muhammad Omair Abdul Jabbar Qaderi, USA, Islamic Academy